The Flintridge Prep Alumni Office is dedicated to developing this relationship through regional events, reunions, career resources, publications and more. We strive to be the home base to which you return to stay connected with your classmates, the larger alumni community, faculty and families.
As you move through changes in career, start a family, move geographically or undergo any other major life change, keep in touch so we can celebrate your good news. We know that every member of our community is talented; we love connecting alumni with each other. Let us know how you’re doing by emailing, or stop by next time you are in the area!
Stay Connected with Flintridge Prep
Our Alumni
Our alumni
A strong legacy of alumni connection.
Total Alumni
out in the world and making an impact.
Alumni Events
including events on campus and regional events in a town near you!
Colleges and Universities
attended around the world.
Alumni News
We love celebrating our alumni and sharing stories of their continuing personal journeys and the ways in which they are positively impacting the world.